The recipe for San Francisco artist Elisabeth Ajtay's artwork is "Facilitating chaos and allowing mistakes to happen". Her work "is a reflection [of] my [transition] from life in the east of Europe to the west of America."
Ajtay is a featured artist on ArtCrasher. Her "Mind Maps" caught our eye. Ajtay breaks down the chaos that intertwines with life; that builds life; that shapes life. Her "Mind Maps" illustrates how life can be a frantic dance whose movement has no method, technique or explanation.
Ajtay's own life's dance has taken her around the world. "Spending a childhood in Transylvania/Romania behind the iron curtain, Elisabeth Ajtay grew up in the democratic society of Western Germany, leaving two years for Hungary, back in the days, when the changes after the revolutions in Eastern Europe were still in progress." Ajtay later found herself in San Francisco to complete her a Master of Fine Arts.
"My early work, mainly dealing with Romania, takes a fragmentary approach. Documenting other places/spaces I visit is my way of keeping a diary/sketchbook about the world which informs my abstract, conceptual works. More recent imagery represents an attempt to deal with topics such as mobility, inner/outer communication, and especially the exhaustion of the individual in light of new technologies. I steadily approach, in new ways, human beings’ sensitivity to a dialogue with the broader world."
To check out more of Ajtay's work, you can visit her website.